When the HeartBroken are not playing, they are listening.  Broken's collection is colossal
and Irritation's is not to be discounted.
    MailOrder 51 is a small distribution which was started by Broken. Any currently stocked
material on: Prank Records, Sympathy For The Record Industry, Sound Pollution, Dionysus,
Au-Go-Go, Asian Man, Empty, Estrus, Alternative Tentacles, Bacchus Archives, Gravity,
Rip-Off, Broken, Man's Ruin, Vermiform, Kill Rock Stars, Lookout, Vinyl Communications,
American Pop Project, Dr. Strange, Hell Yeah, Johann's Face and Shredder are available.
New labels are constantly being added.  MO51 also carries MRR, Punk Planet and various
other zines, books, movies and t-shirts.

    Sales have been kept on a small scale, but there has been talk of Broken and Irritation
opening a store in partnership with someone who has better math skills.

    Without further adieu, here's our rare record trading bulletin board!  If you have any rare
records, or are interested in trading some rare records, drop us a line!!  We hope to be able
to create a place for collectors to trade with and meet other record collectors!!  But, for
now,  just let us know what you have to trade, or want to get, and we can add it to the
Bulletin Board.  The idea is that we will put your email address beside the item you
request/are hoping to trade, and others will hopefully see it.  Just send me your email
address and request and we'll go from there.

            Rare Record Trading Bulletin Board
                                       TO TRADE:

- Sewer Trout  "Songs About Drinking"  7" Lookout #08
- Surrogate Brains "Surrogate Surrenders" 7" Lookout #13
- Curropted Morals "Cheese-It" LP Lookout #19
- Plaid Retina "Pinkeye" LP  Lookout #20
- Screeching Weasel  "PunkRockSuperHeros"  CD

- Green Days "Slappy" EP. 1st printing, green vinyl, Lookout.
- All the early Vindictives 45's.